
Dec 10, 2014 22:26

It may have taken an extra day to arrive, but the snow is here. It looks like we've gotten close to a foot today. Right now I am debating if I want to go out and shovel the driveway for the third time today. I am tired-- shoveled the driveway twice, went to an hour long kickboxing class, plus did some baking today. Still haven't done my cards yet, plus have some decorations that need to be put up yet. Tomorrow it's back to work, no more days off until Christmas. Probably not taking cookies into work tomorrow--- my coworkers can make piggies out of themselves, plus I want to give away some of the cookies once I finish baking. Maybe they'll get cookies next week. I was a good girl, I only ate one cookie out of the 4 batches cooked today. :)


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