May 03, 2013 23:48
Gotta a semi-busy weekend planned. If all goes well and I wake up ungodly early on a weekend, I plan on staining my deck tomorrow morning. I decided to go with a semi-transparent stain instead of the solid, mainly because that seems to be what all the websites suggest. I chose a dark mahogany color, so we'll have to see how it comes out. I was thinking of doing a grey, but my house is a dark kinda cream color, and it will look better with a brown deck. Will not be staining the stairs since they need to weather first, probably do them towards the end of summer. Want to get up by 6am or 7 at the latest, and quit at 9am so I can shower before I head out. I bought a deck pad, so hopefully the project won't take that long. I have a massage appointment at 10:30, and I don't want to do anything after it that will undo the massage, especially since my back was hurting me for a little while. After the massage I'll probably hit a couple of local nurseries, even though it is too early to plant flowers here, and maybe visit the Christmas Tree Store. Lawn probably needs mowing again, but I may save it for Sunday, though I don't think that mowing the lawn will undo the massage. :) Ok so it's more that I have a busy Saturday morning planned. Since Sunday is Cinco de Mayo, I want to make fajitas and have a margarita or two. I do need to buy my gas for my grill so I can cook outside for most of my meals. Figure my Dad can help me get the grill up on the deck when they come up in a couple of weeks-- part of the reason why I want to stain the deck this weekend, next week I plan on going to my parents' house to celebrate my Dad's b-day and Mother's Day. My b-day is the week after and they will come up to take me out to dinner-- not sure if they plan on Satuday or Sunday. At least this way it will be stained and dry. Hoping it looks good once I am done.
deck stoning,
weekend plans,