how absurd

Jan 07, 2006 00:36

ya know, I didn't think it was possible, but it actually happened. I had a relapse. Of what? Well, think back more than a month ago. I had a distraught post about me possibly losing my roommate for Christmas. Christmas passes, he's working fulltime over the break, and here we come into the next term..... and we're in deep shit again.

Apparently he had a serious talk with his parents and his mom said she will not support him in "wasting money" by living away from home and not going to school. I agree it does suck that his job was in jeopardy and he has to borrow money to keep afloat, but living ANYWHERE in this country is wasting money. Making car payments is wasting money, making payments on a house is wasting money, putting gas in your car is wasting money. Everything does. If David could somehow manage to find a job in the general vacinity, which is somewhat unlikely since this area sucks for jobs and it's just after the holiday season, he could probably be all right working two jobs and we could keep the place. The only problem is that with his parents swearing off aid if he continues living away, he has about a 2 day grace period here. Most jobs have a 2 week pay period and his job now has a 1 month pay period. To make it through this month and the next, he'd need a job almost immediately and have that job do at LEAST 20 hours if not more.

As it stands, he has already paid rent and electric (which was absolutely god-awful thanks to the entire month being in the 20s), but we still have our Qwest bill arriving shortly if not in the box already. Speaking of which, I'm going to go check.

*several minutes and slightly damp from rain*

Yeah, it's here. After he writes the check for this bill, he'll have 2 dollars. TWO DOLLARS. You can't even buy a gallon of gas for that. This..... sucks......

So yeah. I don't know what's going to happen. I honestly don't. Despite all my grumblings on the subject (sorry Rachel) I have no idea. I can't discount the possibility that we'll have a reversal of fortune and we'll be ok after a little while, but I'm not going to purposefully delude myself into thinking everything will be ok. That may sound pessimistic, but it isn't. meh. I'll just have to wait and see.

-end of transmission
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