Spider-Man and Mary Jane

Mar 09, 2008 02:36

Why am I always the last one to hear about these things?!

The following is more of a rant than anything else, so feel free to move along.

It's over?!


Okay. I get splitting the characters or whatever. But to basically erase twenty years of memories? Like Spider-Man and Mary Jane never happened? Just so they can start over from scratch? That's freakin' ridiculous.

I'll admit I'm not an avid comic book reader (of course, as you all know, manga is another issue entirely), but I've dabbled here and there. (Especially with Teen Titans.) But even though I'm not deep in any comic book fandom, as in I'm not aware of all the mythology, I've always had my favorite characters and - of course - my favorite ships.

I've always equated Peter Parker (Spider-Man)/Mary Jane with Clark Kent (Superman)/Lois Lane. Like, meant to be, always eternal, etc.

But it's not just comics. I've come across this annoying writing maneuver in other fandoms. Not necessarily erasing years of memories, but the idea that once a character is married, s/he's going nowhere fast. Like, once a couple ties the knot, there's nothing else that could possibly happen. Editors/writers/producers/whoever feel like the series will "jump the shark". God forbid the main characters are happy in a relationship and they can actually make it work. I know, I know - happy characters make for boring stories. I'm not saying it should be a fluff fest, but still.

One of the major appeals of How I Met Your Mother is Lily and Marshall's ability to function as a happily engaged-(then broken up)-but-eventually-married couple, and still be hilariously funny. Haley and Nathan even got married in One Tree Hill, and they've gone through hell and back (and still are), but they've fought every step of the way for their love. Monica and Chandler from Friends managed to stay fresh and charming, something I originally thought would be the path for Ross and Rachel (their on and off again relationship made me so frustrated sometimes *rolls eyes*).

Marriages can work! Some do, some don't, but seriously. And don't even get me started with Grey's Anatomy. Apparently no marriages work out in that world, and adultery runs rampant. >>;; (Side-note: I think I wouldn't have disliked George/Izzie so much if it hadn't been realized through an act of cheating. *shakes head* That and Izzie's quite the hypocrite. Her personality has twisted so much from S1 that sometimes I can't bear to watch her scenes.)

Wow, talk about getting off-topic.

'Neways, to get back on point, I've always really enjoyed the Peter Parker/Mary Jane relationship whenever I came across a Spider-Man issue. ("Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane" is a comic series I've been wanting to read for awhile...) I love their on-screen time in the movies. The same can be said for my love of Clark/Lois. There have been quite a few arcs I've enjoyed in the comics, and I love their banter in Smallville. (I didn't really like their dynamic in Superman Returns as it's a smitten Clark obviously pining for a Lois who really only has eyes for Superman. And yes, I know Lois started out as in love with Superman, but still.)

I suppose I can get over this whole Spidey and MJ no longer being together thing. But if DC Comics does a similar thing with Clois... *can't even imagine it*

In other news, who else is looking forward to the Iron Man movie? (Anyone remember the cartoon? XD;;) Looks kick-ass. Plus it has Robert Downey, Jr. He brings me back. Lol.


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