Almost Home

Dec 22, 2005 15:50

Osashiburi minna-chan! ^_~ (Heh, did I type that phrase right? XD)

I'm in Narita airport right now, waiting for my flight back to Los Angeles, CA. But omygosh I have so much to tell you guys. I will be writing reports when I get home as well as posting pics here, so check my journal later! (Much later - the time changes are totally messing with my head XD.)

First off, Jump Festa 2006 rocked my world. I was totally amazed. It was worth the hour and a half trip it took from my hotel. Wait until I post pics, guys. It'll blow your mind.

Second, but certainly and most definitely not least, Winter HyouteiMyu was AMAZING. Watching it live is an experience I'll never soon forget. The reports for the two shows I went to are what I'm looking forward to writing the most. Seriously, it is the BEST musical to date. Also, on the plus side, it totally strengthened my resolve to continue learning and studying Japanese.

Overall, my trip was great, for lack of a better word right now. XD (Damn, and I'm a Creative Writing major too. ^^;;)

Oops. Gotta go! I'll check back in when I get home~! *hugs* Bai bai for now, minna-chan!
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