Subject: Taguchi Junnosuke (KAT-TUN)
From: 不滅のスクラム Making
C R Y I N G ;_____; So handsome. JUST LET ME LOVE YOU. -hugs computer screen-
I was beyond ecstatic when I discovered they have a shot of Junno with his hoodie up in his FnS official shop photo set. ♥ I have a thing for hoodies. Totally here for this badass-ness. (Badassed-ness? Badassery?)
Junno's Talk 33
Currently dl-ing tonight's OUaT. Heard it was so-so. But I also spoiled myself, so now I'm sad.
Freakin' OUaT. I love this show and yet there are so many problems. =.=
CHAIN DVDDDDDDD! щ(゚Д゚щ) Apparently a
CM aired during ZIP!? The world is ending. I was watching the vid while it was still loading, so it kinda stuttered and just so happened to stop on that one shot of the camera looking up at Maru. All I could think was that they were giving us a crotch shot.
I swear to TPTB, that they better not give me a close-up of his face when Junno bares his shoulders in the climax for FINALE. It's probably just my usual paranoia, but the CM made me wary. I need to see him showing skin, kthnx. Also, I really want a shot of Junno doing the neck choreography in Gimmex3 because he was so slick with that when I saw them live. Not holding out hope tho. :/ This is why I was so desperate for multi-angles b/c there's no way they would edit it to satisfy me on all counts during that number.
Please also give me Tomodachi-bu high-five. If I recall correctly, that is literally the only Kameno thing happening during the entire 4/21 show. JUST GIVE ME THAT, PLEASE.
According to a countdown clock, it's 8 days, 8 hours and counting... ((*゜Д゜)ゞ”