GotD Junno SP #010 (KAT-TUN // Taguchi Junnosuke)

Nov 10, 2012 22:19

Subject: Taguchi Junnosuke (KAT-TUN)
From: March 7, 2012 Ongaku no Chikara 2012 ~ Going! Performance

I 100% forgot this performance existed. And it's randomly a Going! + BIRTH medley. Huh.

Anyways~ the good thing about Junno cutting his hair so drastically short (on the sides) is that it eventually grows out and IT LOOKS EFFIN' FANTASTIC. Like here. 8D I love this hairstyle and how it's spiky on the back and swept over and down to one side. The gif ends on a kind of weird face for Junno, lol, but I left those frames in because you can see some of the spiked back sticking out when he turns his head slightly. ;P

Look at him grooving~ o(^^o)(o^^)o


Currently working on Vol.33 of Junno's Talks. I remember why I skipped it and left it alone for so long. orz But it's Isi-chan to the rescue! I can never give her enough gratitude and ♥. (´ε` )♡

Tomorrow I have to go to the birthday party for my cousin's 4yr old son. He's the cutest thing ever. ♥______♥ Though I'm both kind of excited and dreading it... (Don't ask.) ^.^;;

2012: gotd junno sp, jartists: taguchi junnosuke, jtv: ongaku no chikara

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