Backstage [1/1] (KAT-TUN // Kame/Junno)

Nov 11, 2010 10:19

Title: Backstage
Author: Krys Yuy
Prompt: #21/same
Summary: What Nakamaru has to deal with backstage when KAT-TUN guest stars on the 11/12/10 Shounen Club.
Pairing/Characters: Kamenashi Kazuya/Taguchi Junnosuke (KAT-TUN)
Rating: PG/K+
Word Count: ~640
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters used. This fic is purely for entertainment purposes only.
Author’s Notes: For je_prompts (table here). Based off a report from the SC recording. Not necessary to know, but check this out to see drawings of Kame’s and Junno’s outfits. Pure fluffy fluff fluff, a reference or two to cons, etc. If you want your dose of cuteness for the day, read away. ;P

The lights darken and KAT-TUN hurries offstage to the sound of thunderous applause behind them. Juniors rush past to take their place. Catching his breath, Kame looks over his shoulder for Junno, only to see him pouting.

Kame hangs back and lets the others go ahead until he is in step with their tallest member. “It was a good pun,” he offers.

Junno shakes his head. “It wasn’t. They just love you best.” There’s a long moment of silence and just as Kame suspects this is actually bothering him, Junno sticks out his tongue. “Stop stealing my jokes!”

Kame pushes down the brim of Junno’s hat over his eyes. “Says the person whose infamous gag didn’t originate from him!”

“Yokoyama-kun may have come up with it, but I made it memorable,” Junno says, lifting his hat and peeking at Kame from under the fringe. “Besides - Kazuya - I really doubt ‘Kamenashi, Kamenashi, Kamenashi’ is going to catch on.”

Kame pauses in the middle of adjusting the red cloth tied around Junno’s bicep. “You’re still on that? I did it once…”

Koyama looks from one man to the other, then at the remaining members of KAT-TUN. “Are they really fighting?” he asks, worried.

Koki sidles up, leaning against Nakamaru. “Nah,” he says. “You’d know if they were. Plus Taguchi doesn’t really care about any of that.”

“He just likes to have Kame’s attention all to himself,” Ueda adds breezily as he passes them on his way to their dressing room.

“Ueda!” Nakamaru exclaims. He looks around and is relieved to find no one else in earshot.

“Oh.” Koyama takes that in, looks back at the two band members off in their own world, at the way a smile breaks through Kame’s mock frown and how Junno’s responding grin is more blinding than any Koyama has ever seen on camera. He blinks. “Oh. Those two? Really?”

“You can keep a secret, right Koyama-kun?” Nakamaru asks, a bit anxious.

“Of course!” Koyama says right away. He’s not one to spill secrets, and it’s not as if NEWS doesn’t have a few of their own. “Though if they keep looking at each other like that, there won’t be any secret to keep.”

Some time in the space between one second and the next, the looks between Kame and Junno had turned from teasing to something Nakamaru thinks doesn’t belong on a mostly family friendly show such as Shounen Club.

“Kame! Taguchi!”

Koki laughs. “Calm down, Yucchi. There’s no one around anyway.” And it’s true, they’ve all traveled far enough backstage and it’s only their little group in one of the many nondescript NHK Hall corridors. No wonder Kame relaxed enough to let his guard down.

Nevertheless, Nakamaru isn’t willing to take any chances. He hustles over and pushes the two youngest members of KAT-TUN in the direction of the dressing room. “Go on, you two. Wait until you’re in the dressing room at least,” he grumbles. “I’m not your parent, y’know.”

Kame and Junno look at each other, then back at him. “Yes, ‘tousan,” they say together. They have identical grins on their faces, giving Nakamaru flashbacks to a certain skit he’d rather forget.

“They’re on the same wavelength - how cute,” Koyama says. He doesn’t quite get it, but the idea of Kame and Junno has a certain charm.

“Cute? More like aggravating,” Nakamaru retorts. He waves the two away. “Go on then.”

“Loosen up, Nakamaru-kun~” Kame singsongs. Still, he tugs on Junno’s sleeve and leads his boyfriend away. Junno gives a little wave with his fingers as he allows himself to be pulled.

“Kame-chan just told you to loosen up,” Koki says, amusement clear in his voice.

“Taguchi-kun seems to be a good influence,” Koyama comments.

Nakamaru sighs and rubs his temples. “It’s a wonder I don’t have any gray hairs.”


Crossposted to je_prompts, jent_fanfics, kattun_fanfics.

#challenge: je_prompts, #status: complete, #category: kat-tun, #ship: junno/kame (kattun), #fanfiction, #fanfic: ficlet

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