+1 [1/1] (KAT-TUN // Kame/Junno)

Nov 06, 2010 15:24

Title: +1
Author: Krys Yuy
Prompt: #19/mistake
Summary: Junno’s sister isn’t happy about his +1.
Pairing/Characters: Kamenashi Kazuya/Taguchi Junnosuke (KAT-TUN)
Rating: PG/K+
Word Count: ~700
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters used. This fic is purely for entertainment purposes only.
Author’s Notes: For je_prompts (table here). Finished off a drabble I started awhile ago at the reception for my cousin’s wedding. ;P Practice, practice, practice… trying to get back in the groove of (fanfic) writing. Just something silly. :3

“Jun, when you said you had a plus one, I thought you meant you had a date!”

His sister was a vision in white and lace, looking like a fairytale princess with the full, flowing skirt complete with beaded inlays. Junno was having a hard time appreciating it though, what with his sister’s eyes narrowed in that all too familiar way - she was closing in and he had nowhere to run, stuck at the end of the hallway.

“But -”

“That’s why I made an exception!” she exclaimed, talking over him. “Goodness knows you haven’t brought a girl around in ages. I was starting to get a little worried, to be honest.”

“I -” It was hopeless. His sister was on a roll.

“This is only supposed to be a gathering with immediate family members and a few close friends - you do not bring a coworker -” She gestured to him and then his date, who was standing nearby chatting with two starry-eyed bridesmaids. “- your super idol coworker! It’s only a small wedding and -”


“What?” she said, taking a breath in the middle of her tirade. “I’m not being unreasonable.”

He snorted. “Right,” he muttered under his breath.

She raised one perfectly styled eyebrow. “What was that?”

Recognizing the warning signs but not caring, Junno tensed and opened his mouth. A familiar touch on his back had him immediately relaxing. The hand slid up his back, giving his neck a small squeeze, before it moved around his shoulders.

“I think what Junno is trying to say, Taguchi-san,” Kazuya said with a pleasant smile, looking as if he emerged from a men’s fashion magazine - sharp as ever in a black suit with forest green vest and tie, “is that I am his date.”

His sister blinked. “But you’re -”

Kazuya nodded, his arm still around Junno’s shoulder. “Yes.”

She pointed at Junno. “And he’s -”

“Yes, ‘neechan,” Junno said with a sigh. Apparently all his patience was reserved for his group because he could find none of it for his family. “I was trying to tell you.”

She looked between the two idols several times. Her astonished expression then reverted back to annoyed. “You have the worst timing ever, little brother,” she said.

“Well, he isn’t exactly known for his tact,” Kazuya said. He punctuated his sentence by jabbing Junno with his elbow, smiling all the while. He muttered, “You said you cleared it with your family.”

Junno winced, pouting and rubbing his ribs. Why was he getting in trouble? Okay, so he hadn’t ‘technically’ told them. He didn’t think it was that big a deal. So what if he wanted to show off his boyfriend? Was that a crime?

“Well, I can’t question your taste,” she said to Junno. She gave Kazuya a sideways glance. “I can question yours.”

“Neechan!” All her bridal nerves were being channeled into teasing him. So much for giving her a quick ‘good luck!’ greeting and then slipping away.

She laughed at his put out look. “I kid because I love,” she said, kissing his cheek. “I’ll forgive you for almost stealing my thunder.” She hugged them both around the shoulders, leaning in between them to whisper.

“I’m sorry, Kamenashi-kun, but if you two actually come out at my wedding, I will make sure neither of you have any kind of fun time for quite awhile.” She pulled back with a bright smile, reminiscent of Junno’s own, except it was strangely still and perfect… and was that an eerie glint in her eye? “Do you understand me?”

They nodded quickly.

“Yes, ‘neechan.” “Yes, Taguchi-san.”

She patted Kazuya’s arm. “’Taguchi-san’ is so formal,” she said. “Please! Call me ‘neechan’ if you like.” She gave Junno a sly grin. “I have a good feeling about you two.”

There was a loud shriek coming from the foyer and his sister sighed. “Oh, what are my bridesmaids doing now? Excuse me.” She gave them another hug each before rushing away.

Kazuya pressed his face to Junno’s shoulder, torn between irrational fear and amusement. “Your sister’s scary,” he said, voice muffled by Junno’s black tuxedo jacket.

“I told you having an older sister isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”


Crossposted to je_prompts, jent_fanfics, kattun_fanfics.

#challenge: je_prompts, #status: complete, #category: kat-tun, #ship: junno/kame (kattun), #fanfiction, #fanfic: ficlet

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