[Picspam] KAT-TUN: Dark vs Light

Jun 14, 2010 02:47

DO NOT UPLOAD MY PICSPAMS TO TUMBLR. They are already posted there on my personal Tumblr.

(DO NOT UPLOAD THIS TO TUMBLR. If you like this picspam, you can reblog it here from my Tumblr.)

I find all the sides of KAT-TUN fascinating, and I was particularly happy with these PVs (each for different reasons). 8D I saw a lot of parallels between the two. That might just be me.

Anyways, just a mini-picspam before I start work on my larger ones... Not much to say because I'm about to drop. I'm exhausted. Please enjoy looking at the pretty as I fall asleep. Zzzzzz...

Comments are loved and so very much appreciated.

Crossposted to various places.

graphics: picspam, jartists: kat-tun

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