[Picspam] The Smile King: Junno, 14 years old

May 25, 2010 12:36

DO NOT UPLOAD MY PICSPAMS TO TUMBLR. They are already posted there on my personal Tumblr.

I can't stop making these things... >.>;; Presenting the Smile King, Taguchi Junnosuke w/ appearances by Subaru from 関ジャニ∞, Tsubasa, and Tackey! In their Junior days, mind you. 8D And I think that might be chibi Ikuta Toma as well in two tiny pics... It sorta looks like him, lol.

(DO NOT UPLOAD THIS TO TUMBLR. If you like this picspam, you can reblog it here from my Tumblr.)

When I saw this video on YouTube, I knew I had to picspam it. Thanks to Kuea123 for uploading the vid. Despite the so-so quality, I did my best with this picspam. :)

Here he is! Our beloved Junno at age 14, smiling that same gorgeous smile. ♥ What do you guys think?

From what I gathered, Junno said he can smile no matter what anyone says to him. Subaru is given the task to prove if that's true or not, and so bullies him a bit. (See the slap to the head? :P) Tackey and Massu Tsubasa (d'oh - thanks mau3112 and lane_myer for the correction!) are the judges or something, lol. Toma (if that's Toma it is! thanks lane_myer) puts his arm around Junno after Subaru slaps his head.

I dunno... are these picspams a waste of time or not? Is anyone enjoying looking at the pictures or is it just me? XD;; Any requests? I currently have a big Kame/Junno magazine one in the works (a joint project type thing-y with black_rose45000 :D -waves-), but I must finish downloading the scans first. I'm doing these picspams to distract myself from actual work... which I'm going back to now. -_-''

Comments are loved and so very much appreciated.

Crossposted to various places.

Picspams do make me feel better. But the stress - gah, the stress! Must stop messing around with pictures... no matter how cute or pretty... :(

jartists: taguchi junnosuke, j&a: chibi days, graphics: picspam, jartists: kat-tun

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