Dec 18, 2005 17:00
My vision was that I would be able to pull the bow out of the box, set the violin to my chin and start stroking out notes with a few minor tuning tweaks to the strings.
Alas, ignorance makes our dreams simplified...
I took my new 5 string violin out of its case. How cool. I was embarking on an exploration of skill and music. I picked up the violin to look at its beautiful metallic blue surface...ahh finally. I began to tighten the strings. The thinnest string kept sliding off the side of the finger board. I would reposition it over its little slots where the finger board meets the neck but no dice.
Then I found this little wooden piece. With a little deductive reasoning I found that it goes under the strings and is apply named the bridge. I was starting to feel dumb.
I loosened the strings and put the bridge upright under the strings and began to tighten them down. These pegs the strings they wind around are a bit of a pain in the ass as you have to push them to get them to sort of stick. So I started tightening and of the strings broke. Lukily I have 4 strings left but nothing quite screams NOOB like a supper noob move such as breaking a string from over-tunage. I had officially graduated to stupid
Later on I also found that this violin doesn’t have a fine tuner (additional screws connected the strings on the end of the violin near your face). So I have to twist the while putting pressure on the pegs to get it to hit the notes that some website said I needed to hit.
So far I have discovered that I could loosely orchestrate a horror scene in a bad B-movie. At the moment, I have realized that I will need further instruction so I am looking for some Violin software and maybe I will invest in a teacher.
More to come...