May 19, 2006 16:01
I didn't sleep properly all last night...and I felt like I was going to puke this morning because I thought I fucked up royally and (potentially) lost us a $60 000 contract because I forgot to courier out a proposal to ALF - Calgary. I (mostly) fessed up to my step-mom this morning and told her my plan B. Plan B was to email the proposal, letter, etc with electronic signatures on it to our Calgary office, have our receptionist down there print it off and courier it locally to ALF by noon. Patti said "I'll call ALF and everything should be fine since we have a long standing relationship with them." She called ALF and found out the big bosses weren't going to be in until Tuesday morning. I sent out the courier to deliver the proposal to the security at the ALF building on Saturday.
This morning, I was also running out of the house to catch the bus when I realized my change pocket of my wallet was empty. I was about to turn back home; I thought I better just check where I keep the bills - and I found $2.25!
I am beginning to really believe that I am lucky.
My mom took a JFB day today and decided to take me for lunch. She ended up meeting all my co-workers and seeing all these people she used to know from around here. Now all the ladies at work really do believe my stories of having an eccentric cute mom. After she left, they kept telling me "You have such a cool mom!"
Ya, I know. I *heart* her.'s the long weekend!