May 03, 2006 11:20
I'm already hating living out of boxes. Gross. The house is a disaster. I've promised D that I would have everything cleaned up soon. I think he'll kill me if I don't.
I'm also super exausted. I came home from work last night and just crashed. I napped until my mom came to pick me up around 6:30. I went to her house to help her with filing her taxes (we never do it on time). I am getting back a nice return because I had a leftover education amount, took months off work and made only 18 grand last year. Ouch.
My mom is all depressed about men because her latest boyfriend just broke up with her. I don't know why my poor Memom has such terrible luck with men. She seriously rules. If anyone has ever met my mom, they know that she's super attractive, funny, passionate, opinionated and smart. Why is she attracted to fake, empty, flakey men (that I call Peacocks) who want her to be quiet and meek? If anyone knows a really awesome man around 50 who is attractive, fun, smart and a whole person - let's set my mom up.
My mom is also stressed about work because 3 kids in her daycare have been aprehended by Social Services this week. She says she wants to slap these moms and tell them to get their act in gear becaus etehy are breaking their kid's hearts. This one little boy (who I know) has been sobbing for his mom everyday. My mom said that she'd love to take a home video of this kid sobbing for his mom and send it to her so she can realize that she is destroying her child. We both wish that Social Services would do something to make the mom's accountable. They do everything to make it easy from mom and difficult for the kids. If you get your one responsibility taken away from you - your kid - you are a free woman. There is no guarntee mom is actually off drugs. No one makes her taking a parenting course before she gets her kid back. There is no manditory drug test.
My friend, Lese, was telling me that her foster brother was returned to his mother and she is still smoking Meth in the house. He has gone back to the negative behaviors that her parents helped work through with him. It's bullshit...
I've also had to listen to all these ladies at work complaining about thier kids all the time. All of their issues with their kids are because of them. They go around blaming all of these other influences for thier kids being such shitheads, but it's like 90% thier fault. Your kid misbehaves because you accept that behavior and you haven't set limits and boundaries. Your kid is fucked right up because you are fucked right up. Take some responsibility. I mean, it's one thing for your teenager to be drinking and doing drugs (all kids do it), but it's a completly other thing to let your 16 year old have parties at your house, have his girlfriend sleepover and drive drunk. Honestly...
I don't think it's possible for anyone to be a "perfect parent" because everyone makes mistakes and has their own issues, but you can be responsible, actually like you kids and be involved in their lives. I think those things alone will insure your kid is alright.
All of this makes me appreciate my mom so much. She's such a frickin' angel. I hope I let her know how happy I am she's around. People are always like "you're such great kids" to Jeff and I. I'm always being told at work "my kids should hang out with you because you're such a great role model." I tell everyone that J and I are the way we are because we have such awesome parents. My biggest role models are my parents (including my step-monster). They've shown me by example how to live my life; what's expected of me and what isn't acceptable. They've admitted mistakes (one of the best things a parent can do) and we've worked on things together. They are my best friends. I *heart* them.