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Finally ready for Christmas!
Dec 21, 2013 11:51
I have been on a bit of a knitting craze in the lead up to Christmas. That's for sure.
Spoiler (click to open)
I finished the final project last night at about 2am. So here are the three things I've made.
First up, the scarf for Ryosuke.
A reversible braided scarf that's supposed to resemble ocean waves.
Second, a book cover/sleeve for my friend Saz.
Technically also reversible. Since it's a soft cover it should be okay on smaller books too.
And thirdly, a basket weave blanket.
This has been long in the making, just ask Perky! I've been getting home from work and knitting everyday.
That is an A4 clearfile (Nino!) for scale. It's about 80cm by 110cm.
A closeup of the basket weave.
And so here is my tree, again, but this time will all the packages and presents underneath!
If anyone wants the patterns for the knitting then let me know!
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