So after going back to school today and going through my bag this morning I found this
Which I must have sketched last term and gotten lost in the depths of my bag. This is me, sort of xD I rarely do this hairstyle except in winter when I wear my scarves.
And I've started playing Tennis no Oujisama: Gakuensai no Oujisama More Sweet Edition because I could do with practising my Japanese. And I'm happily discovering that I understand more than I did the last time I played it (which was over a year ago) and I'm debating starting to translate bits of it because the few guides that I know of are for the PS2 version and so missing the DS extra characters that got added. I don't know. It will give me something constructive to do that's not doodling or knitting.
Yes. I knit. But only scarves. I'm a beginner me~
All I can say is thank muffins for the voice overs because some of that kanji I can't even read even when I know what they're saying.