So a bunch of you will probably have friended me thanks to Ori-chan's friending meme. While I did make a post the other night. It was random and very typical of the kind of things you'll find me doing here. I have a thought and I make some sort of post.
Anyway. It's nice to make your acquaintance and I hope we can fangirl and natter about all sorts of things.
So me. They say you can learn alot about a person by how they live.
My kitchen/entrance. Just off to the right is the front door which is currently swamped with shoes. Shoes that shall soon bugger off into my sports bag and car. I have so many pairs of shoes for school it's silly. Each school has it's own set of indoor shoes and then I have outdoor and gym trainers which live in my sports bag. Also my semi-smart "let's go to school" shoes. That's 6 pairs of shoes for school. Madness. Also. Yes. 4 bins. Japan splits the rubbish funny.
And I have dinner cooking. Despite it being 3pm.
My pasta sauces has to reduce for a few hours before I get the consistency I want. Nom nom nom. Also I can freeze some of this for another day. Woot. Meal in the freezer for when I'm lazy after school.
Right, next room.
Bedroom. Sort of.
It's a bugger to clean. I'm always scared of damaging it. It's silly expensive to replace. Futon which I never roll up. The bookcase which assaults me in my sleep. And the keyboard I keep meaning to play.
My current posters. L-->R
Kanjani8, Hey!Say!JUMP, Sexy Zone, News (old - still with 6 members), Hey!Say!JUMP (old - still with 10 members), Kanjani8 and Hey!Say!JUMP.
I'd love to replace the older ones with some Arashi, but I don't actually have any nice group Arashi posters.
And so onto the room where I spend most of my time.
Kotatsu~ Nice and warm under there. Urgh, masses of cables. One of these days I will find a router that works with my UK OS and be able to use my laptop anywhere. Also. The fish is a secret. Mr. Fish. Technically I'm not supposed to have a pet. But since it's a fish my supervisor was all "if I don't know I can't say anything".
You know what I've realised after doing this? My apartment feels big because I've got almost nothing above torso height.
I hope you have enjoyed my randomness.
Yes. I know that was a weird way to introduce myself. But hey, that's sort of me in a nutshell.