against his will 119

May 02, 2016 11:17

Masaki allowed himself to be guided to the table where Kazu, Jun, Kazuko, and Aurora were sitting and talking happily. There was still doubt in his heart that he had just invited unknown people into his husband’s home as though they were running a charity. Sho told him that it was fine and they did, thanks to his father, have money that they could use to house more workers but it should have been a joint discussion.

“Masaki, my darling wonderful husband…” Sho sighed stopping walking to turn and look at him his hands cupping both his cheeks and pushing them together so his lips were sticking out in a strange pout before he released him again and whispered “Please stop worrying…”

“I’m not…” Masaki whispered the lie dying on his lips when Sho gave a chuckle and then moved forwards pressing his lips to his own. It shouldn’t still affect him, not after all the kisses and love making that they had been doing since they had gotten married but in his opinion Sho’s deeply and wonderfully penetrating kiss was still as heartbreakingly breath stealing as their first and he moaned just a tiny bit and moved forward into it before remembering that they were in a very public place, even with the emperor having paid for privacy there was still the staff watching from the bar. Sho, as always, didn’t seem to care about social niceties and stroked his face and then his slight swollen lips as he chuckled humming gently;

“You make a terrible liar, my dear husband, it is one of the many qualities that I love about you…If you are going to worry this much then both those people will think you regret your choice? Wouldn’t that be worse than what you imagine that I think…”

“I will try but I think I will make a poor choice on the king’s council…” Masaki whispered knowing that this was what his fear was truly about. Sho would have done something regarding the boy and the old man, there was no question of that in his mind but if he could not stop himself from acting before he thought then there was a chance that he would agree to something without understanding what “I always act before I think…”

“You always make the choice that feels right in your heart, you always have…You are simple without complication, my husband, and that is something the king will always need on his council…Smart men think too much…You have the purest soul…”

“But I will never understand…I can barely read…”

“I will explain it to you and if not me…”

“Then I shall, Masaki…” A now familiar voice said from behind him and Masaki turned to see the king standing behind him his arms full of prettily wrapped gifts and there was a smile bright on his face. “Your husband is right…Your judgement is perfect for my council…The lack of ability to read does not make you unintelligent it only means that you cannot read…Such a thing can be remedied and if not there are those around you that will help...Make use of them…”


“Masaki, would you consider me to be a good king? Intelligent?”

“You are the best king! Your father was good but you’re even better everybody loves you!”

“I see…I am truly honoured by that praise of my character…I was a troublesome and lazy student in my youth…Words held my interest very poorly I must confess…” The older man chuckled deeply shifting the parcels around in his grip “I…Couldn’t read until I was 24 and that was only thanks to my good lady the queen…Even now words will sometimes elude me and I will ask her what they mean…So fear not…And let us have no more doubt at your self-worth… I would never have asked you if I didn’t think that you were perfect for the role…Now smile…And be merry…”

A/N: I hope that this is okay ^_^

p: matsumoto jun/ninomiya kazunari, l: chaptered, l: drabble, t: against his will, p: sakurai sho/aiba masaki, r: pg

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