The Midwife part 10

Apr 03, 2017 10:37

Nino swallowed down the lump from the back of his throat as he sat down opposite the doctor who had picked up a file. His work file. It seemed a little more certain that this meeting wasn’t going to be a social thing. He swallowed nervously and then scrapped his tongue over his lips wishing that he had been convinced to go to the pub instead of sitting here in the office of his boss. Eventually Satoshi looked up from the file with a huge smile on his face asking;

“You finished your training in Tokyo University Hospital?”

“Yes, sir” Nino answered with a jerky little nod chewing on the corner of his mouth a little while gripping at the arm rest of his chair for a moment while Satoshi’s eyes moved over him slowly watching for something that he didn’t know what. Eventually he started to speak again leaning over the desk his brown eyes probing at his with an intensity that he hadn’t felt from anyone before.

“So, why did you come here? A no name hospital in the middle of nowhere?”

“I was born here in this village, I always said that I would come here to work” He mumbled with a shrug. It wasn’t strictly the truth, there was more to it but he didn’t feel the need to talk about it until Satoshi’s head tilted to one side and he hummed softly;

“But it would have been easier in the city. They are more responsive and open to the idea of male midwife. From my understanding, you have been met with resistance since coming back”

“My entire family has done midwifery in this village” He muttered defensively in response his eyes narrowed at the doctor who was once again smiling with his eyes never leaving his face. The chubby face shouldn’t have been so intense or handsome and yet, even though it should have been squishy looking, there was something hard about it and there was a glint in his eyes that was enough to send shivers down his spine which weren’t entirely unpleasant. His lips somehow managed to curve into a smirk while still looking as though he were being friendly.


“Yeah, every single generation right back as far as there been a village here” Nino shifted around and then pointed at the black and white photo that was hung with pride on the wall nearest the door. It was of a woman dressed in a plain outfit with her hair tied away from her face. Most people said there was a significant likeness between her and him and that made sense as she was his great-great grandmother at the opening of the hospital. “That was my grandmother Kazuna, I was named for her”

“I see. I did think that you had a likeness around your eyes and mouth. You’re better looking though” Satoshi smirked again and Nino felt his mouth his mouth drop open and his ears burn at the strange compliment. “Please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not trying to get you to step aside I’m just trying to figure out why somebody as well trained as you would come here and settle for just being a midwife you could have gone on to be a paediatrician”

“I could ask you the same question, sensei, you’re meant to be a genius, why did you come to a no name hospital in the middle of nowhere?” Nino knew that he was being rude and highly prickly but there was no mistaking that, in the last few minutes, the man had managed to get under his skin in a way that he hadn’t been expecting and he didn’t like. Satoshi leaned back into his chair for a moment looking him over again before he shrugged saying;

“I wanted to fish. I thought that the lake around here would have some amazing spots”

“You wanted to fish?” Nino repeated trying his best to search Satoshi’s face for any sign that he was just joking but his face was free from any amusement and his voice seemed completely certain when he said;

“Yes, unfortunately, I haven’t managed to get in any fishing yet. I’m still trying to figure out the paperwork. My predecessor seemed to have a distinct hatred of it and nothing is in order. Perhaps we might be able to go together this weekend? I think that I would be happy to get to know you a little better…”

“I have a girlfriend” Nino growled getting to his feet hating the way his heart was pounding against his ribs “If that’s all you wanted I should go”
A/N: I hope that this is okay ^_^

t: the midwife, l: chaptered, l: drabble, p: ohno satoshi/ninomiya kazunari, r: pg

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