Dirge of Cerberus SUCKS

Aug 30, 2006 22:00

Just to forwarn you, I am about to criticize this game. A LOT. I've tried not to give anything away story wise (what little there is), so it should still be safe to read.

And guess what? X-Play agrees! 2 / 5

Don't get me wrong, the idea for the game is a great one, and had it been done right, it might have actually *been* good.

Without giving away the details of the story (which does go a little overboard in my opinion...):

1) The controls #$%^!@# suck. As was said on X-Play by Adam Sessler, welcome to "Why the fuck are you pointing that way!?!" The camera sucks.

2) Trying to AIM is damn near impossible. When you go over someone the target sort of locks on, but not really. If you try to strafe sideways you will often lose your target. And you can just forget about trying to strafe in any sort of circle / arc. It's not that I don't like shooters... in fact, I ADORE Metroid prime. But you know why? You can ACTUALLY LOCK ON TO YOUR DAMN TARGETS and if you try to Strafe SAMUS ACTUALLY KEEPS LOCKED ON. Tell me, how the hell hard would it have been to give us a button to lock onto a target?!?

3) The cut scenes are a bit much. I don't mind them too much, but they are a bit too frequent and far too boring. They're not even that pretty. See, back in the good old days of final fantasy vii, I played to see the CG'd cut scenes. Now, you see in game cut scenes with the ingame polygon graphics. They don't look bad, but the cg'd make them look like mud! And there's hardly any of the cg'd ones! This is a pattern that I think started in FFX, and has just gotten progressively worse.

4) It is obvious that the controls were meant more for a keyboard and mouse (which, by the way they do put in the manual that you can play with a usb keboard and mouse... something I've considered trying). They have so many things mapped to so many places that sometimes I accidentally bring up the map when I'm trying to use a #%^@#$ potion! Oh, you can run around with the map is up but you can't shoot.

5) LOADING. TIMES. ARE. ATTROCIOUS. Open a door and going into a new sectioned off room? Loading. Getting to a point where they want to show a little cut scene (non-cg'ed, mind). Loading. Loading, loading, loading!

I really regret spending money on this thing. The cg'ed cutscenes, as sparse as they are, are absolutely gorgeous. The idea of learning Vincent's past is interesting, but the cutscenes really don't do a good job of forwarding that story.
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