Life goes on...

Aug 10, 2006 18:11

Life goes on, if any of you out there care still. Not saying you don't, but there's not too many who read this that bother to let me know they do, or reach out and say "Hey I'm here and I'm a friend." if it seems I'm having a rough time.

Where to begin to sort out these rambling thoughts?

Missing my munchkin boy. He's gone til somewhere around labor day. Will start talking to Mike about kiddo return plans soon. While I miss him so much it hurts, it's still bittersweet. I'm enjoying having a bit of time to myself and having this time to collect my thoughts on many things that have been going on. Also been able to spend some good one on one time with Danny, and our relationship is definately benefitting from the extra care we've been able to give it these 2 weeks.

Spiritual things still confuse me on and off. I'm more certain of what I don't believe in, but still fuzzy on the things that I do believe in. My questions keep leading to further questions, and lead me to pose this question to those out there: Those of you who are Pagan, Heathen, and etc of the non-christian religions, how did you come to identify with what you believe in, and how do you cope with the christian influences in your life that may not be accepting that you've chosen another path?

Mundane life update:

Looking to go from part-time late evening shift to full time overnight shift at work. Been waiting to get the paper for it signed by my store manager. Hopefully an answer comes soon. FT comes with things like benefits, which are good things. Main downside to overnights is the need to sleep in the daytime, but can be managed. I've be growing more and more nocturnal the past few weeks. Trying to get things settled with Headstart so can get kiddo into some sort of schooling this year. A half day program a few mornings a week would also help with the need to sleep during the day thing.

Looking for an apartment here in town, so kiddo can stay in this school district. Not having much luck yet. Got #'s for a few complexes, but they're all full with no idea when someone plans on moving out. Trying to find out if the low income housing ones have a waiting list, and trying to get on it. Consesus of the household here is that there's no real deadline for us moving out, but all think it'd be a good idea to be moved and settled before kiddo starts kindergarten next year. Thus the looking for places with a waiting list.

Made a few decisions for schooling for the moment. Have an excellent opportunity to get back into school for January 07 through a program at work. Tuition is affordable, and while I still don't ahve any long term plans career wise, I've got a decent short term one worked out. Going to go for either an accounting or bookkeeping degree, and use it to move up within the company. It's really not a bad place to work, and can also get tuition reimbursement if I do use the degree to move up. It's an online class program, so trying to arrange a sitter and etc really isn't a big deal.

So there's life in a nutshell for the moment. Please, read, reply, whatnot. If you don't know what to say, but you read this and you care about me, drop me a comment just to say hi even.

Bragi's blessings to those who read this.

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