Oct 30, 2014 03:29

Oh, but hey, guess who has two thumbs and is gonna go see Chris Hadfield? This guy! Yes!!

Checked my email today as I do occasionally, and saw a Groupon there for his lecture in Halifax in a couple of weeks. Woo!! I've actually known about it for a while because a relative of a coworker is going but the tickets are like a hundred bucks apiece so there was no way I could go, and certainly not to bring Karl along too, which would be a massive shame. But then, Groupon! For 52% off! :DD So I got both our tickets for like eighty-eight bucks! :DDD Which means we're both gonna go and see him! :DDDD

I am such a Hadfield fangirl, you have NO idea. I bought Karl his book for Christmas. And I'm gonna bring it along, and have him autograph it if we have the chance, and I am ALSO (because I just thought of it and the idea is fucking AWESOME) going to see if I can have him autograph us each a new $5 bill.

For those of you who aren't familiar with Canadian currency, that's one of the new polymer ones, and on the back it has an astronaut with a Canadian flag on his arm doing things with the Canadarm II on the International Space Station, from which Chris fairly recently returned from commanding for six months (the first Canadian to do so, and probably the coolest Canadian ever).

Here, this is the guy we're gonna go see:

image Click to view

Gonna try and get him to sign one of these, oh yeah!

Sweet! :D

Holy shit you guys I am enjoying the fuck out of my life SO HARD right now. Got to ride the Fundy tidal bore; got to see (and high-five) the Snowbirds; and now we're gonna go see Chris Hadfield, the awesomest of many awesome Canadians. Wooo!! Why did no one tell me Nova Scotia was so fucking awesome?

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