Aug 30, 2011 22:05
You know, there isn't really all that much I want from my kid's school's website. Contact info. When the first day of school is gonna be (and why wasn't that posted on the school's individual page? Why did I have to go to the district's home page to see that the first day of school is, in fact, going to be next Tuesday as I had thought and not next Wednesday as the last newsletter they have posted there says?). Maybe, oh, I dunno, how about the freaking school supply list?!!?
I know, I know; I should have just somehow not lost the bloody thing over the two months of no school we just had. What can I say? I put it on my desk and never saw it again.
I can't believe I'm the only person who could use this info. And the fact that several other schools in in the district do have their supply lists up on the website (under "News" for some dumb reason; Jesus effing Christ, guys, how hard would it be to put the info relevant to each school on the page you have for each school?!) only makes me more irritable that my school doesn't have that info up there.
So now I need to remember to call the district tomorrow morning, and also Walmart in the hopes that, like last year, they have school lists for the various schools including ours printed out in the school supply area, and find out what the hell we need for tuesday. I'd rather just send an email now, while I'm thinking about it, but that isn't an option. The only email listed is for the principal (no email listed for the district at large), and i happen to know that the principal won't be there next year. So why he's still listed as the principal, I dunno; I assume that since school starts Tuesday they've got a principal sorted out but they certainly haven't bothered to update their website.
Their useless, useless website.
When I call them tomorrow I'm going to give them some suggestions, because that damned thing is useless.