Largest GAP meeting since.. I don't know. :D

Dec 13, 2008 01:41

GAP today was really really great :) 30+ people came, gathered in a single place to pray simply for YM camp 2008. I felt really blessed just by being there, praying as well as hearing the genuine prayers of others. I do believe that camp absolutely needs our prayers. Pray against spiritual attacks, against distractions, for encounters with God, for love and peace and unity. Pray for the YM camp committee, the group leaders, assistant group leaders, group mentors, sub-ministries, and most of all, for the campers.

I honestly wish that each and every camp participant will really participate in camp and not be a bystander. Not a bystander just activities-wise, but in spiritual encounter-wise as well. Let's see the Lord's glory pass us by, not bypass us!

After Ian prayed about YMOVE and its revival, I was thinking of going on another mission trip in 2 years' time after As. Please help me pray about this too, and if God is truly steering me in that direction.

I found that I feel upset whenever I see a friend who's dear to me being upset. Cheer up you, I'm here if you want to talk.

Anyway; is it just me, or do I trust people too easily?

Zoo trip on 20081211 Thursday photos will be uploaded (hopefully) soon. :)

prayer, ymove, friends, ym camp, god

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