Since the very wonderful Seth Chen had tagged me,

Dec 10, 2008 14:26

Here goes!

A. Each tagged person must post 8 things about themselves on their journal.

B. At the end, you have to choose and tag 8 people.

1. I find it amusing that people are so shocked when they find out I don't watch the telly. My dad sold the living room TV when I was P6, since I was addicted to the TV then but really needed to study for PSLE. (Actually I feel that I didn't study much for PSLE anyway.. Hmm.) But I don't miss the TV at all.

2. I question myself about my faith all the time, even if I may not show it or say it out. And I want to build it on solid ground before I enter JC and even more hard knocks start coming my way.

3. I like to be as productive as possible and not waste time and resources. If you're messaging me about details of an event or some such thing, please tell me all the details at once (date, venue, time, what it's about). Be precise. If you're gonna tell me some grandmother's story, talk to me on MSN or call my house phone please. I'm not going to waste SMSes simply saying, "haha, okay" to you. If you noticed, I like to cram a lot of content into one SMS.

4. My self-esteem is pretty low. Although I know God loves me just the way I am, I find it extremely difficult not to compare myself with the people around me. So many seem to have found their own niche, forte, talent - but I haven't. I wish I was an overachiever, but I'm not.

5. I can be extremely sentimental and emotional, but once I'm fed up I can be extremely unpitying and treat you very badly. So please don't try because I don't like myself when I become mean.

6. Nature completely entrances me, especially the sky. Observing the sky's mood is one of the things I absolutely love. I can sit there for hours just watching the clouds. Also, rainy weather is the best. I like camping (from 3 years of Girls' Brigade experience), walking down trails, sitting at the beach, and anything to do with nature and being close to it as well. I'm an outdoors girl ;)

7. I want to learn quite a few instruments, namely the acoustic guitar, piano and drums; sadly, I'm not all that musically inclined unlike some people I know. (Haha!) I also like photography; two of my Livejournal display pictures are photos which I had taken.

8. I just wanna serve God with my five loaves and two fish!

I don't really know if people actually read my blog, and most of those who I know do have already done this quiz.. but oh well.

1. Caryn elevensundays
2. Dewika skiparound
3. Thrina crossmyself
4. Caroline wei_teng
5. Winzu mybogeyman
6. Jocelyn sweetrhapsodies
7. Elin buckets_oflove
8. Lynnette fringefever

I'm so glad I'd finally managed to clean my room up yesterday. I should have taken a 'before' shot though..

This is the 'after' shot. So clean right! :D

Then again, maybe not.

Ah, I've finally gotten my new sports shoes, which is also equivalent to my school shoes for the last 4 years and counting. The old ones have seriously died. Whenever it rains, my socks will become black and get completely soaked. My shoes will squeak a lot too.

The shoes which have served me well for the past 2 years..

From Nike to Adidas :)

I honestly do not know why they look so blue in here, though. The net parts and my shoelaces (all those that look light blue in the photo) are supposed to be white.

Should I use my shoes during YM camp then throw them away, or use them during my Japan trip and throw them away after that? Suggestions, anyone? :D

quizzes, holiday, pictures, faith, me

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