Yesterday, I took off the morning to check out Claire's Halloween Storybook Parade thing at her school. She wasn't sure initially if she wanted to dress up as
Pinkalicious or
Purplicous initially, but after some thought, she finally decided to go with
Princess Grace. It's a storybook about an African-American girl who learns about some of the cool historic princesses, and decides in the end, they're cooler than the Disney versions. This was especially cool because Claire made the decision to dress up as Princess Grace all on her own. (FTR: Pinkalicious is actually alright but I loathe Purplicious. Geez, I read so many kids books...I should start reviewing them or something...)
Anyway - Behold - a picture!
And just because I'm thinking about my kids, here's a bonus picture of both of them from the other night.