It's the
annual Strange Horizons fund drive. Strange Horizons being maybe the most influential online market for SF/F stories. They pay their authors well and they run solely on a donation basis and TODAY ONLY the one and only
John Scalzi is matching any donations made up to $500. So if you have some extra money, give it to them today. Scalzi will double it. (Scalzi, if you're reading this: you're a class act.)
Alasdair Stuart brings a
British perspective on the US Health Care debate. Suffice to say he's not so happy with the way the US media is depicting the NHS. Not at all. Yes, I love Alasdair and I'm not afraid to proclaim it!
Speaking of the US Health Care debate, yesterday, I sent a chain letter from the White House about Health Care reform to my grandpa. I love my grandpa, but he's sent me chain letters before about how Fred Rodgers (that's Mr. Rodgers) used to be a US sniper who had so many kills tattooed on his arms, he had to wear Cardigan sweaters. Srsly. So, I don't feel too bad forwarding the message to him. Maybe it will get me out of future chain letters? Although I did forward it to my extremely conservative mother, and a conservative friend. (As well as a liberal friend *waves at Chris R.*) Ah, well. As OK Go sing, Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time.
Special for
avocadovpx: Brian Singer of X-Men, X2, and Usual Suspsects fame (the less said about Superman Returns, the better, IMO) is indeed going to be
producing and directing a new Battlestar Galactica feature film. One that has NOTHING to do with Ron Moore's recent TV series. I sense a great disturbance in the force, as if many geeks cried out, and were suddenly silenced. To be honest, I'm kind of curious. I didn't catch the BSG fever as much as some of my fellow geeks did, although I do appreciate the show. And I really dig Singer when he's on. But I wish he was remaking Logan's Run instead (and I'm not talking about the
Wolverine 2: Japan Daze, now being written by Usual Suspsects scribe Christopher McQuarrie, although I'd see that, too). That said, it is kind of odd a very different big screen BSG may be hitting theaters soon.
Finally, a very big thanks to everyone who particpated in the discussion of critiques yesterday. It's given me a lot to think about and I'm going to be soaking it up for some time now.