(no subject)

Aug 14, 2009 19:28

I notice the health care debate has become, well, a bit of a health care tornado, or healthnado.  For what it's worth, my two pennies:

-I don't get ill at the moment.  I have the immune system of some bizarre Ox/Bear hybrid and most illnesses bounce off me.  I go to regular checkups when called for, and act on the advice given.  I was slightly salt deficient when I went (Long walk, hot day, do the math).  I was told to act on it.  I did.

That's it.

-About four years ago, my wife had a very serious asthma attack.  She hadn't been diagnosed up until that point, but when she went in, was diagnosed instantly, admitted for several days and given a regimen of treatment that continues to work to this day.  When she went in, she was ill.  When she came out, she was better.

That's it.

-The NHS is very, very far from perfect, especially after eighteen years of violation by two Tory governments.  It's broken in places, it's massively broken in others but the idea is still there:

Health care for everyone which, most of the time is free.

That's it.

And to be honest?  The only thing that offends me more than elements of the US media deciding that the NHS is EVIL is the outright statement that because it's something FOR EVERYONE we're all dirty stinking commies.

And the last time I checked?  I didn't have to stand in line for the same loaf of bread as everyone else.

nhs, factfail

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