I am OBSESSED with 24 again. When the show premiered a few years ago I was a youngen. And I had no idea what made a TV show great, now I can fully appreciate the brilliance of 24. I just bought season one and is FANTASTIC!!!! I think TV on DVD will be the end of me because in less than 72 hours I finished watching all 24 episodes of season one. God! I love it! It is brilliant! I have always loved Kiefer Sutherland. He is just the be all and end all for me. He has played some of the most evil characters and yet in interview and stuff he seems like such a sweet and gentle man. He has scared the crap out of me in some of his films and yet... I love, love, LOVE him. He is right up there with Sir Ian McKellen on my favourite actor list. (for the record Sir Ian followed by Kiefer).
No one I know watches 24, except Eric and he has left LJ so here is my little spazz for no one...
So 24... here is my spazz... Chase is coming back for at least 5 episodes in late april/early may. He was the only one of Kim's love intrests that I like. And the comebacks of characters is why I love this season. When Tony came back... It was 1am when I was watching that episode so when he showed up at the end it was 2am and my family was fast asleep and I had to litterally cover my mouth because I was screaming with excitement. (I also had to contain my little dance to a few upper body movement instead of the full blown sha-bang)The next morning I did the dance in full. Also Michelle... although pissy this year, very exciting when she returned. Can Tony and Michelle work things out? I love it. Will Tony ever take Michelle back, can he get sober again... will he loose the tramp from the morning? Last week Michelle called Chloe back in... the best thing they could have done. I can't wait to see how Chase gets back in the action... especially since Kim isn't coming back. My one question is WHERE THE HELL IS MILO? I really liked Milo, I want him back. His character wasn;t killed off in season one... but c'mon it's Eric Balfour. He is so cool. And what kick ass team would Chloe and Milo be? KICK ASS!! Also I realized... by looking up a bio that Chase was Simon in the '90's version of Lord of the Flies
As I said before TV on DVD will be the end of me because I want seasons 2 and 3 on DVD, but they are both more expensive than season one... and I have spent too much money this month. I've been splurging since Eur05 fell thought. I bought the Liam Titcomb CD... At first I thought it was alright. Decent, but not the greatest, Then I found out he was only 16.. so consitering how young he is, he's really good. He has a strong foundation for a great carreer. But there is room for improvement. I can't wait to see what he comes out with next. He is still on his way. I also bought Jeremy Fisher He is fantastic. At times kind of twangy... which I'm kinda getting into... his lyrics are great. He has some cheeky lines and when pulled out of context can mean some dirty things... witch is amusing when on the bus and my CD skips. But yeah, great lyricsist. I also bought the Rasmus wow. Their CD was great. Clearly European sound... it's kind of dark. But very cool. I can't really describe it.. .it's just really cool. I still haven;t bought Green Day. I keep on walking in to buy it and then walk out with something else. Like Season one of 24. That is all for now.