
Sep 21, 2006 12:58

• Drool

Read and be amazed...

• Hypocrisy.

To summarize, the Pope last week called Islam a religion of Violent Murderers. Muslims have responded in saying, "the pope, and all infidels, should know that no Muslim, under any circumstances, can tolerate an insult to the Prophet (Muhammad). ... If the West does not change its stance regarding Islam, it will face severe consequences".

They should have just said, "How dare you call us violent murderers, for that I will murder your violently". When are we going to bathe the cavemen in nuclear fire, realizing the region has only contributed oil, and the advent of the Zero, throughout history.

• Wii

I have some links here involving the capabilities of the Wii. I have chosen to show them to you in their (superior) Quick Time format. Please disregard the advertisement, and enjoy.

• Console Functionality Demo!

• On stage Release Date Announcement

• On stage Internet Functionality Demo

• On stage Mii Demonstration

• On stage Virtual Console Demo

• On stage Wii-Sports Demo (Blowing)

• The 300 (Just Like you Imagined)

Frank Miller (Sin City) has been working with Zack Snyder (Dawn of the Dead) on the film 300. It is adapted from Miller's graphic novel of the same name, much as Sin City was, and is about the Spartan Life and all they gave for their country. The real news here is the movie, and it's teaser will feature a couple songs from Nine Inch Nails (Trent Reznor). The teaser's song is Just Like You Imagined from the album The Fragile.

Watch the Teaser here (medium quality).

end times, nuclear fire, video, muslim, wii, portal, quick time, islam

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