Jun 25, 2003 12:57
You know, everytime I update this thing, a part of me dies a little. And it's not one of those those cool deaths that includes shooting at Amish with machine guns akimbo in bullettime. No, it's one of those deaths where nobody really cares because they just kinda sat there and died.
While grasping for reasons to continue writing this thing, a part of me thinks "Hey, maybe somebody actually reads, and *gasp*, enjoys this crap."
Another part thinks "What the hell are you talking about? Nobody would read or enjoy this unless they had enjoyed such other worthwhile pursuits such as jamming a spork in their eye or drinking varnish."
Then a third part says, "Quit yer bitching and grab the damn pie!"
...I usually listen to that third part.
So what was the point of this you ask? Well, to tell you the truth, there really is no point. I mean, come on, really, what did you expect? Some sort of life altering revelation? Nah, not going to happen today folks, sorry to disappoint you. So, until next time, try not to get |-|4(|{3Рߥ 4 1337 |-|4)(0®. Oh, and leave some comments too, so I can actually tell if people read this.