What are you like in the morning?

Dec 01, 2005 23:22

I'm not even sure if I can articulate this correctly.

I'm not like anything in the morning. 
I'm not even sure if I need to re-charge on a nightly basis. I only do it because I find that restricting myself to a routine every day helps to add a certain degree of stability to my life.  Obviously I don't sleep; I'm not actually able to.  What I do as a substitute is put myself into standby so my power cells can take the impurities my respiratory system has collected and convert them into a usable energy source.  It feels like a little like this

Wow it's late!  Guess I should knock myself out for the evening.
That was fun, I guess it's time to enjoy the day again.

From my perspective, I don't miss any time.  There's no disorientation or confusion.  One second it's night-time if the curtains are open, and then it's bright and sunny outside.  I don't even blink (yes, I can blink from within my face-plate.  Out of all the important organic components the cybermen could have let me keep, I guess my eyelids drew the shortest straw).

My mood doesn't change really, and I don't feel any different from when I shut myself down.  Describing the sensations I "feel" as a cybernetic being would be even more difficult.  Since it can't necessarily be applied to just how I wake up, I don't see the point of going into it.

Hell, I can describe what I'm like in the morning with a single word:


That's really all I can say about it beyond what I've already written above.
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