Apr 09, 2009 21:59
Will definitely have a working pathfinding by the end of the weekend. Got started with creating a grid of cells for the map, and from there have to do this floodfill technique, create objects that have states, and then start linking objects to the map cells. Test that the data is flowing correctly, then work on making sure the floodfill numbers are correct. Final step being the objects themselves using those numbers to move around. And after that, happiness :)
Long term, create the first "turret". And this would be completely experimental, but I was hoping it would create a string of black pixels that gradually moved towards the object dynamically pixel by pixel, until a pixel eventually collided with the object. From there, any sorts of *evil* stuff could happen :)!! But if I can get that to work, something good better happen!
So to create a turret, I will have to make sure it looks for a target around itself by checking the cells. The easiest method would be checking from the top left corner and going gradually down to the bottom right catching the first object, but that would make it look rather artificial... anyways, I'll try that first and see how it looks. It will have to tag the object so that other turrets don't try to target the same object at the very least. Put a hundred or so objects and a couple turrets, see how they look and modify. Tweensy can handle 5000 eases easily, so I hope a thousand pixel tweens wont be too much for the system.
All of that, however, will take quite awhile to accomplish. So as it stands, I mainly work on game oriented programming at home, and learn graphical techniques while "working" at work :)
But all in all, this week has felt like a huge shift in learning (a revolution!). Last week I would have had no clue what I was saying, it's great to be back studying on my free time again.