Title: A Lover of Women
Disclaimer: God I wish I owned AC.
Rating: PG
Summary: Ezio is a lover of women in love with one man. E/L slash
AN/Warnings: This happened after I had been playing ACII for two days straight and needed a break. My right trigger finger had been killing me. :/ Anyways, I finally decided to take a break and then OMFGLOOKEZIOLEONARDOFANFICTIONOMFFFFGGGGGG. I must contribute! = was the thought process. It just took longer than the thought to publish… XD
Ezio has had all types of women. He’s had courtesans, women of stature, women with husbands. He’s never discriminated in his love for them; has loved each woman he’s brought to his bed. And despite being committed, has continued to search for the fairer gender. Leonardo understands, he’s sure.
Leonardo knows that he will not be able to break his lover’s womanizing ways. He’s come to accept it through nights alone when Ezio is in Florence or Venice and not home with him and not on an assassination. He considers himself lucky to even have just a little bit of Ezio, a little bit of the dashing assassin and his cloak of blood red. He greets his newest assistant, a lovely boy from a strong family interested in developing relations.
Ezio would assassinate the boy if he thought Leonardo wouldn’t notice. He hates the way they huddle close together over tables, Leonardo’s warm, intelligent eyes sparkling with quiet depth. He hates the nickname “Salai,” Leonardo gives the boy affectionately, tussling his hair and planting a kiss against his forehead. Violence stirs up in him even more when he finds Leonardo asleep and Salai hovering over him with a dreamy smile on his lips.
“He is accounted for,” Ezio states sharply as he jumps down from the perch of the rafters. There’s a sharp shot of satisfaction when he watches the boy jump. Salai turns to him with a frown, eyes running down him in an analyzing sort of way.
“Last night you were with a whore. Everyone knows it. I hardly count that as him being accounted for.”
“You little rat, if you told him anything-“
“Don’t insult his intelligence. I hope you don’t think he doesn’t know.”
Leonardo kisses him goodbye. “Tomorrow, I am leaving for Milan.”
“Is he going with you?”
“He is a dedicated student.”
“Will you come back to me?”
“Amore mio, you have chosen this path, with her. You cannot hope that I will continue to hurt for you. I believe in all things beautiful, but I’m also aware of the ephemeral quality of beauty. I tried to keep us together, but you would have no part. Be happy, Ezio. With the life you’ve chosen.”
“I love you.”
“And sometimes it takes more than that.”
When Ezio falls, he doesn’t want to wake up. He looks over at Rosa, eyes sparkling. “I feel dead inside.”