Six random facts about me...

Aug 29, 2006 22:43

Eep!  I've been tagged by

Six random facts about me...

1.   When I was 14, I competed in the U.S. National Spelling Bee.  *nerd alert!*
2.   I love my job (online home medical transcriptionist).
3.   I am a natural redhead, and proud of it.
4.   As a child, I crushed on LeVar Burton of Reading Rainbow.  (Okay, maybe I kinda still do!)
5.   I was in show choir in high school, and I still love to harmonize.
6.   I am a total Buffyverse addict.  I pine for these shows on a daily basis.

Now, I'm supposed to tag six people.  I've never tagged anyone before, so I hope no one minds.  :)  Okay, here goes:  I tag
saturn_girl, and
shinodabear.  Tag, you're It!

If you've already done this one, or if you're not into memes, I apologize in advance; just ignore this post.  (PS - If you don't want to be tagged in the future, please let me know; I won't be mad, and I'll promise not to tag you again.  I don't want to offend anyone!)

~ * ~  Kristina  ~ * ~


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