Kaylee Fry, Serenity/Firefly---Breeze

Feb 26, 2010 23:06

Kaylee sat on the ramp of Serenity, parasol in hand, and a large smile on her face; this was a nice place to pick up some people, and heck, just to people-watch.  The sun was shining, there was a light breeze, and the chatter of the market was relaxing.  It reminded her of the sound of the engine; people milling around like turbines pumping.

A young man, well built, with sunglasses and very rich looking clothing walked up.

"You're lookin' for passage," she says, turning her parasol.  "Ain't gonna find a better ship to catch a ride on anywhere."

He looked at her with a slight, appraising glance.  "Oh yeah?  The skiff down the---"

"You mean than hunk of garbage?" she said incredulously.  "It's going to break down ten minutes after it takes off from here.  Be stuck in the atmosphere.  Never get outta here, unless the Alliance com---"

"When are you shipping out?" he asked, cutting her off.

Kaylee beamed over at him, pulling herself out of her chair, buns bobbing on the top of her head, as she wiped her hand on her cover-alls and presented it to him.  "Three hours, Mr. Tam, I'm sure that time-frame suits you just fine?"

He took her hand and shook it.  "That sounds reasonable to me, but...if you wouldn't mind, it's Doctor, not Mister," he answered, before pushing his sunglasses farther up on his nose.

"I can give you a tour, of Serenity once we're all loaded up, if you'd like.  Oh, and I'm Kaylee.  Kaylee Fry." she offered, slightly more lightly than she meant.  There was the high pitched sound when she was trying to hold in a squeal.  He was cute, and there wasn't a ring on his finger...

kaylee, simon, drabble, firefly

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