Jul 28, 2005 19:49
Well, it's currently 752 and Josh called about a half hour ago saying he's just leaving work. (it takes him an hour and a half to get home) I'm a little upset, not at him because theres nothing he can do, but my mom has this dumb rule that my car has to be in the driveway by 1030, or my keys get taken away. Speaking of my mom, she bought me a stereo for my car. I'm realllllllly excited because i can finally listen to cd's now. =)
Eddy's up north right now and won't be home until saturday or sunday i think. As soon as I got my stereo, i was like, ' i'm going to go show ed ', but then i remembered she wasnt home. =( which made me sad.
I found out today that i have to get surgery on my shoulder. I have a tear in my muscle, and if i don't get surgery, my shoulder will never heal and i won't ever be able to throw a softball or anything without feeling pain. After the surgery I can't do anything for 6 months. Which sucks assss. I don't know, i'll keep you updated with whats going on. Right now i'm going to go watch some Laguna. Ill update tonight. bye
Much looooove, kristen