Jul 27, 2005 14:59
I'm extremely bored...
name: Kristen Koliopoulos
nicknames: Kris
sex: Female
birthday: December 29
age: 16.
bestfriends: dont really have a BEST friend.
place of birth: Burton
current residence: Burton
hair color: Dark brown, with some red
eye color: brown
height: 5'4"
[in the morning I am]: bitchy
[love is]: hard to figure out at times, but nice.
[i'm afraid of]: being alone
[i dream about]: lots of different, crazy things
[been in love]: i believe i am
[cried when someone died]: yes
[drank alcohol]: nope
W I T H - T H E - O P P O S I T E - S E X ?
[what do you notice first?]: Hair, and Smile
[scruff or clean shaven]: scruff
[tall or short]: taller then me
were kissed or kissed someone: Last night
watched Bambi: like 11 years ago
cried: last night
talked on the phone: about an hour ago, with Josh. He called me on his lunch break. =)
read a book: school
punched someone: 5 seconds ago, my sister
W H O ?
[gives you a good funny feeling when you see them]: Josh
[has a crush on you?]: Josh
[easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: boys
[fallen for your best friend]: hah, too many times. **Taylor, where is the pollen?
[been rejected]: yes
[rejected someone]: yes
[used someone]: possibly
[done something you regret]: yes
[smoke]: no
[obsessive]: no
[could you live without the computer?]: yeah
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: 208
[which hurts the most, physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional
[i want]: pretzels
[i wish]: Josh didn't have to work alllll day long
[i love]: josh
[i miss]: my old friends
[i wonder]: lots of things
[first real best friend:] Lauren Michele Draper, and Aubrey McKay
[first real kiss:] Jake
[first job:] never had one
[first screen name:] gubbster04
[first concert:] Chicago, with my mom and dad
[first music you remember hearing in your house:] no idea.
[last car ride:] back from the eye doctor
[last kiss:] josh
[last good cry:] been a while.
[last libary book checked out:] never checked one out
[last movie seen:] the birds
[last swear word uttered:] shit
[last cd played:] hah, britney spears
[last item bought:] a new straitening iron
do you bite your nails : no.
can you roll your tongue: yup
can you raise one eyebrown at a time: No, i want to though
can you blow smoke rings: never tried.
can you blow spit bubbles: eww
can you cross your eyes: yes
can you flip your eyelids out: prolly not, sick.
tattoos and where: none.
piercings and where: just my ears.
do you make your bed daily: nope.
what goes on first, bra or underwear: underwear
which shoe goes on first: left
speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone: no
how much money is usually in your wallet: some change. lol
what jewelry do you wear 24/7: my ring
whats sexiest on a guy: a hat
whats sexiest on a girl: idk
would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great: late & look great
do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: twirl
how many cereals are in your cabinet: about 15
what utensils do you use eating pizza: fork
do you cook: not often
how often do you brush your teeth: 2 times a day, maybe 3
how often do you shower/bathe: twice a day
how long do these showers last: 10-15 minutes
hair drying method: towel, blow dry sometimes
do you paint your nails: yes
do you swear: too much
do you spit in public: sometimes, when i need to.
do you pee in the shower: umm... no
the cd player: Tyler Hilton
person you talk most on the phone with in the past week: Josh
what color is your bedroom: lime green and white
do you use an alarm clock: no, the power went out about a year ago and I still haven't reset it.
name one thing your obsessed with: washing my hair
have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: yes
ever sunbathed in the nude: no
window seat or aisle: aisle
whats your sleeping position: stomach
what kind of bed do you like: soft ones
in hot weather do you use a blanket: a sheet
do you snore: i think
do you sleepwalk: nope.
do you talk in your sleep: no
do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nope
how about the light on: no
do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: yeah, the radio
where do you see yourself in 10 years: happily married with a good job and such.
how many kids do you want to have: 3
your profession: something that pays well.
future school: something faaaar away.
Well that was extremely boring.
I bought the Laguna Beach 1st season today, thanks to Taylor. I <3 that show. I had an eye appt. today, my eye sight is getting better, which is good because in my right eye, i used to have really bad far sightedness. (sp?) Anyways, I can see now. I have a game tonight, for the championship. Josh said he was going to try to make it. He works from 7 to 7. He's practically gone all day. I don't get to see him until about 730 or so. It sucks biiig time.
I went with Brittney to get her hair permed. =) It loooks soooo cute. They told her to give it a week to calm down. I think she'll like it. Josh and I went and visited her at work yesterday. It was nice, I gave her a 1.62 tip. I know, I know, i'm such a good friend. Well, i'm going to go watch some more Laguna. I'll talk to you later. Byyye.
much <3, kristen