Pondering pointless stuff again

Aug 10, 2005 15:36

So I've decided that there is nothing attractive about a man on a crotch rocket. In fact, the only thing I can think of when I look at them is how they are signing their life away to the cement, the car behind them, or the brick wall they forgot to turn in front of. All this fuss could just be my anal rententiveness or my fear of everything. Anyone want to examine me? Just another reason why I should be taking Xanax. Christ I'm about to drive myself mad.

Working again how suprising. Nothing is better than going in at 12 and leaving around 5. Its true though that if you sat here any longer you'd most likely poke your eyeballs out. After I leave here I need to go get my tire fixed before my tread is bad and umm my tire explodes. The tire pressure is only off by like 3 lbs but I might as well fix it and its free. I get so damn paranoid about my tires. I've had so many nails in mine and ones so big that my entire tire just blew off. Not fun I tell ya! Good thing I had a boyfriend then! :) Now its Independent Woman! I have nothing to update nor has my life gotten any more exciting. I'll probably venture out to Costco with the fam later. Tomorrow Liz is having people over and I'll probably retreat over there for some good end of summer fun. Kev should be home soon too and I can't wait to see him. Possibly a Ferris' bonfire this weekend as well. Could be eventful. I also am going to watch my cousin Alex in a tractor pull in Leslie and then my sister is having a family house warming party. Loads of fun I'm telling ya! Can't wait to start packing up and stuff next week. These next two weeks are going to fly before I can even blink an eye. For that I am very grateful too!!! Next year should be great. No more sharing a 10x10 space with someone!!! THANK GOODNESS!!! :)

Thats all for now! I'm headed out!
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