Okay okay, I've been out here for a couple weeks now and still no real update, so here goes. Moving to a new city is such a whirlwind, and I'm trying to stay excited about being in a new place. I love my roomate/apartment (an awesome party pad right on Charles St in Federal Hill--come visit!) and the school I work at is pretty good as well. The kids are really challenging at times, but I also really like them, and surprisingly enough, I think they really like me. They do this thing where at the end of the week, one person is chosen and the class voteson what they like best about the new person ( a great idea to keep a positive classroom environment!) They chose me last week, and they all agreed that they like my laugh and jokes the best, which I found very flattering. I like a group of kids who appreciate humor/laughter in the midst of learning!
My schedule until February 12 looks like this: Mon, Tues, Thurs-Co-teaching at Benjamin Franklin Middle School 7:45-3:00, then class from 5-7:30pm; Wednesday-Class from noon-8pm, and Friday-Class from 9:30-4:30. This is the "J" term at Hopkins so it's a little rigorous, but I'll get 4 credits out of the way nice and fast! After February 12, I will have work at BF Middle for the school day, and then class one night a week and two nights a week every other week. I really like most of the people in the program a lot. People are from all over--NCarolina, Florida, New York, Illinois, Iowa, even a few international students (India, Korea, Liberia) so most of us are in the same boat being in a new city. Most of the people are really down to earth and dedicated to the same cause as me, which is incredible! I feel the same way about many of them as I did about people that I worked with in Alternative Spring Break--awesome individuals! There are of course, a few pretentious judgemental people that I dislike and I don't even think will make it through the program. I'm learning fast that you have to be pretty laid back to work everyday with inner city kids! The prof's at Hopkins I've had so far are also very down to earth and helpful. It feels good to be successful other than just at MSU--for a little while I was afraid that I would struggle at a new school (and grad school for that matter) with a new grading system, but I really think I'll be fine with a little tenacity and studying.
My roomate is really fun and very social. She's been kind enough to let me adopt her friends and invites me to hang out with them a lot. I also love being able to walk everywhere in the city! Also, there are no fast food places in my neighborhood, and I've been acting incredibly healthy. Something about walking everywhere motivates me to stick to the healthier stuff!
I do miss everyone back home tremendously of course. I wish I could pick everyone up and move them here with me. Especially the little kids back home who can't just email/livejournal/talk on the phone with me. Tony and I are hanging in there, and I am sure summer break will come before we know it.
Once again, no time to proofread, but I hope everyone who reads this is happy and healthy! Email me anytime or call me, (
mcglynn3@gmail.com) and come visit ANYTIME!