
May 22, 2011 14:05

There's a really good review for the finale under the cut with a few words from me. Spoilers, spoilers.

Here is a really great breakdown of the finale, the author brings up some interesting theories and analysis in this "objective review." I even agree with some of the positive aspects of the eppy. Loved how Sam handled the breaking of the wall and that his reason for fighting was to help his brother! *Wibbles*

And My heart hurt for Dean when he had Ben and Lisa's minds wiped.

However, I'm not sure I can forgive the writers for the character assassination of Castiel.

The hypocrisy of this plot just enrages me. Sam and Dean are heroes, but flawed heroes. They're destructive co-dependency nearly brought Armageddon, their choices and deals plenty of innocent deaths. But we still cheer for them.

Castiel has done nothing but stand by the brothers, particularly Dean through thick and thin. There’s been some tough love, but in the end, Cas has disobeyed other angles, questioned his faith and became part of “Team Free Will.” If Dean snapped his fingers, Cas came. When Dean begged for help, Cas tried to find a way.

Cas has always been that sympathetic character, learning humanity from his interactions with Sam and Dean. Yet the one time Cas needed help, someone to guide him toward the right path, he was given no support.

It was 'your plan is wrong, therefore you're wrong.' Not once did Dean ever say "let's sit down and talk about this. Let's find another way." I mean, yes, opening purgatory was a bad, bad plan, but he was trying to save Earth from destruction.

I get what the writers' did. Castiel's fall mirrors Lucifer's fall from grace. Pride, hubris. Castile's is more about the road paved with good intentions,and he did some pretty bad stuff toward the end. But with a million tainted souls, for all we know souls of monsters inside him--I just don't have the words.

There's no real way he can ever redeem himself after this. After killing Balthazar and breaking the wall in Sam's head.

If the writers wanted season seven to be more about hunting monsters, no more heaven and hell. Fine. Cas could have won, gone back to heaven or fallen and become human. I think I would have rather him died saving the brothers than making him the Next Big Bad.
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