Jan 16, 2005 20:17
*Rolls out bed* two thousand and who noooooww??!!! Hey followers *crawls out welly boot* Happy new year! gosh we made it! *trumpets sound* *falls into bath holding hair dryer* hmm! so this year I have already been in a car accident ach it wasn;t serious no one got hurt! annnddd nooo I wasn't driving *poses for mug shot* Anyway yeah I also badly decked it infront of a lot of people the other day! I was like where did all you folk come from??!! prolly and advert in the paper or somethin! so yeah am on a roll! right see this image "I'm on a roll" am I the only who thinks of like them selves floating on a big buttered roll..yeah..?..okay *floats off on a big roll* I start my night class this wednesday yas am not nervous! *goes into a fit of nervousnessss* I am well nervous in case am pure rejected in the corner! right Kristeen gonna ask you to leave and well not to come back! take your spice girl dancing, union jack dress wearing ass out *kicked to kirb* sorry I havnt up dated this in like years am married and have 9 kids now! ha kiddin clearly! naah av been pretty busy *knits " i love my cats jumper"* ha noo av been out and about with the hommies down in the ghetto few drive bys here n there!...ohh aunt sorry ma bad wrong house *llooks at map* I'l get that fixed and once av fixed that vase I'll get ur hip fixed! OOOh spking of being a hard core ghetto pimp! I have a dance mattt and the spice giiirrls are on it yas *screams like a little girl*!! wow could I be anymore sad *conditions ginger wig* hah hmm I can then! I have an essay to do phhhft I'd rather lick a battery to be honest! am like *pen and gin n tonic in hand* itss so boring tho! am trying to put it off its like I can't do an essay right now! *counts eye lashes* ach well am off for now kids! I'll chat soon promise! *puff of smoke* xxxxx
" I dont hate you becoz ur fat!!! your fat becoz I hate you" haha love that quote gets me every time! right sorry I was going! *floats away on a roll*