Jun 21, 2004 15:01
I LOVE working for a company where NOONE talks to anyone else about anything. Really, I do.
I don't even know what to write. I don't have much to say. I am wicked stressed b.c I know I have a bunch of projects due, but I don't know what they are yet. My English paper is VERY late and I will get at BEST a D on it. That sucks. 4 more hours here. I don't want to be here next Sat. Especially after the encounter that I just had.
These people came in here pissed of b/c they didn't have service in @ winepesaki (sp.). I don't even think it shows that on area on the map. I told them the only other phone was the more expensive one. So then these people start being hostile with me so I'm like... well why don't you come back tomorrow and you can deal with the girl who sold you the phone. I'm sorry Kelly, but I am to stressed to deal with irate customers, especially ones that I didn't cause to be irate. GRRR. I hate it when people yell at me. At one point I was just like, "SIR, I did not misinform you of anything! I am doing all that I can to help you." And he was just like well "Your company ...blah blah blah." Well I'm sorry that cingular is evil, and I know they are, but you know what "I only work for them sir, there are certain rules that I have to follow." H8 people.
Okay, now that that's out. Next week is midway through my first semester. We'll see how things go from there. I'm super stressed right now between work and school. I just want to quit and do school for a while. I want to be a college student living in a dorm with no job other than just being a colllege kid. But I can't. Because apparently my family is poor. So I have to work 7 days a week so I can afford everything and save for what I want. I just want some time to myself. That would be nice. I want a clean slate again. Okay, start over. But I'm in the middle of everything. I'll be okay once I catch up with school, but right now its piling up and I'm going nutzo. *sigh* And or course that crazy couple didn't help AT ALL. Grrr. K. that's all for now.