It's So Crazy It Makes Sense (To Me)

Feb 03, 2008 17:25

Okay, I was in a rush the other day whenever I was trying to make sense of my spiritual philosophies and theories. Allow me to clarify and add to some of the concepts that I wrote about...

"God" is in each of us. There is no need for prayer to some being, whenever we only need to look to the goodness that is within ourselves.

"Miracles" are the product of the collective will from the people surrounding the object of the miracle, all of whom are mentally willing that thing to happen--whether that thing be a healing or something else.

"Saints" are just really good people who are more concerned with those around them than themselves.

"Angels" and "demons" are simply occupants of the spirit realm that is parallel to the realm that we live in, and who are of varying degrees of personality, the same as humans are: some are nice, and some are not so nice.

There is no Heaven or Hell. Spiritual energy surrounds our Earth, is recycled, etc.

Now, to get into things more deeply once again... I, personally, believe in something similar to reincarnation. Because of my opinions surrounding my belief that spiritual energy is recycled, you can probably imagine where I'm heading in this. So, here goes...

When a lifeform dies, its spiritual energy is released back into the spiritual "cloud" that surrounds Earth. It might not merge right away, maintaining instead a certain degree of familiarity with the life that it just lived--hence, ghosts. After an unknown amount of time, however, this spiritual energy eventually does begin to blend into the rest of the spiritual "cloud," which results in a mixture of spiritual memories and the loss of a perceived self or individuality. Then, upon conception, a fraction of this spiritual "cloud" is recycled by fusing itself into the newly conceived flesh. As a result, that new lifeform would have a spirit of many past lives. Accordingly, the alleged memories of past lives that many people claim to experience are random flashes into the spiritual memories of some of the more potent past lifeforms that make up that individual's spirit.

"Potent" is a key word here. In my opinion, higher lifeforms are more likely to leave a bigger imprint in the spiritual energy that they release upon death than would more simple creatures. Humans, other mammals, long-lived reptiles, birds. These animals are all capable of releasing a strong spirit that wants to cling to its former life. In some cases, a spirit might merge with a newly conceived lifeform before having blended into the more massive spiritual "cloud," and, therefore, that new lifeform might have a strong inclination towards that particular past. As in example, therians are humans with a strong sense of one or more animals, feeling animal-human rather than just human. Spiritual reincarnation could possibly explain the reason that therians feel like they're in the wrong body.

But, that's just another opinion among many (and I'm still in favor of the more scientific reasonings behind therianthropy, though I do keep in mind that spirituality and science can complement each other rather nicely).

All right. I'm done. There's just too much to write. I could go on for pages more.
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