Mar 28, 2005 22:35
I have already planned out my dream fall schedule, here's hoping with a magic number of credits (69!) I can get what I want.
Mondays: 11-11:50 European Political Systems (with an apparently hot prof, woo woo)
1-1:50 English Renaissance (WITH MY FAVORITE PROF! Only had him once, but oooh he is a funny, easy grader. Beautiful combo)
3-4:20 Shakespeare Hist and Comedy (With Hailey, awesomest professor yet again!)
Tuesdays and Thursdays: (insert volunteering on one of these days)
2-3:20 Survey of Political Philosophy (with an apparently hot Brit prof, this is gonna be a good semester if I can get it!)
3:30-4:50 Civil Rights/Civil Liberties (with a smiely rated prof)
Wednesdays: 11-11:50 European Political Systems
1-1:50 English Renaissance
3-4:20 Shakespeare Hist and Comedy
Fridays: 11-11:50 European Political Systems
1-1:50 English Renaissance
3 300 level gov classes, 1 300 level English class, and 1 400 level English class. Seems easier than ths semester, and it better be! :my head asplode:
EDIT: DAMN PEOPLE AT MY SCHOOL HAVE SICK SENSES OF HUMOR! NOT HOT AT ALL!!! YECK!! I FEEL DIRTY!!! I guess they're still awesome professors, though.