My weekend...

Jul 09, 2002 17:51

Ok, so my weekend started Wednesday, July 3rd at about noon. I had a fight with my best friend Jen at the bookstore before I left. Apparently she has been stabbing me in the back for quite some time now. So, after work we had a BIG fight at my house. She came over and was telling me that I'm the immature bitch and that I need to open my eyes and relaize that no one around me likes me. Apparently I am just a horrible person. She continued to yell for a few minutes, then walked outside. For the next 10-15 minutes, she stood outside my door yelling obcenities at me. Yet, I am the immature one. So our friendship is over. Not that it had been much of a friendship lately. See, she got sucked into the "heather and james group" as I like to call it. But oh well. I don't need a friend like that. Yes, it does suck, but I will get over it. Soon. I am much better off without her. Especially if she is going to be like that. So that was the 3rd.
On the 4th, Jason and I left for IN. We drove through to Louisville and stopped there. We got to Kokomo, IN at around 10:00 am. We spent the day at the track (which was right next to a correctional facility)changing shocks, changing tires, getiing sun burned. But it was fun. I got to ride along with Jason on one of his practice runs. I'm still not sure I could race. I mean I could, but I don't think I would be very good. At least I am learning how to drive stick and picking up some car knowledge. We spent Friday night with his friends, drinkin beer..laughing our asses off. His friends are hilarious! I love hanging out with them. Saturday was long...I thought it would never end! It was really hot again. But that night was really fun..we went to a really good wing place. Had a blast again. Sunday flew by...we were on the road again before I knew it. We stopped in Nashville to sleep. Then on the way home we took a detour to the Jack Daniels distillery. That was really cool. I wanted to go see the town (Lynchburg, pop. 361) but Jason wouldn't let me. :( Just kidding, we were already running way behind. I got to drive part of the way home. It was a piece of cake! I was kinda nervous at first though. We didn't get home until 10:30 last night, but it was a really fun weekend.
So that is about all that has been going on. My friend Ashley is moving up here soon, so I am really excited. I can't wait. I suppose I will write more tomorrow. i am tired and hungry now. I need food! Too bad I am poor and have to eat rice. :(

grr, it's a good thing, exes, boys, adventures

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