
Sep 26, 2008 12:01

I wish I could turn my dreams off. My brain is ... I don't even know. When I'm asleep, my brain comes up with the wierdest, most random stuff. I've got a pretty big imagination as is, but when I'm asleep, things come out of the woodwork that I didn't even know were there. And my dreams make no sense. Sometimes my dreams are work/stress related - so I'll be designing pages that have no end or trying to edit stories that make no sense. But, most of the time, it's like an acid trip or something. Not that I've done acid; I just think it must be like that. Some sort of hallucinatory drugs. Why can't I have prophetic dreams (or dreams that seem prophetic)? Or sudden moments of clarity where I wake up and know how my life should be? Instead I have random, jumbled, crazy dreams. That really make no sense. I don't always remember them, but the pieces I do remember leave me so puzzled. Last night/this morning I was dreaming that my family had somehow adopted a baby alligator. It was cuddly, but it kept trying to nip at me. And it was swimming in this big bathtub/whirlpool tub. I have no idea where we were (I think we were traveling?). Or how we got this alligator. But, there you have it. I was holding and cuddling a baby alligator. Seriously, WTF?! Also, my dreams usually leave me really tired when I wake up. There's just so much going on in my head when I'm asleep.
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