Aannd .. I'm back

Jul 20, 2007 11:30

Silly of me to post about Harry Potter before I posted about my trip to Paris, I know. But I'm really excited about HP!

I'm sure you're all dying to know how my trip was. It was FABULOUS! I had the time of my life. Everything in Paris is beautiful. I loved the architecture. Matt and I decided we were going to start saving up for a flat there. Preferably one with access to a rooftop garden or one with a big balcony that I can fill with flowers. I have to admit, it did get a little frustrating toward the end of the trip. I think Matt and I were tired from all the sightseeing and a little homesick for our home country. Being able to understand people (for the most part) and get a Coke for less than $5 is awesome. :) Next time I go, I will be fluent in French. That would improve things greatly, I think. A restaurant owner did compliment me on my French accent though. That was a happy night.

I will be posting more as I think of it/have time but for now, check out my joint blog with Matt:

We're in the process of posting our hundreds of pictures, so I'll keep you all updated on that.


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