
Jul 20, 2007 10:29

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out in about 13 hours (13 hours, 23 minutes - and counting). I will be one of those people waiting in line to receive my copy at midnight. I'm very, very excited about this book. But it will be depressing, I'm sure. Our questions will be answered once and for all though. Sadly, I think Harry will have to die. If J.K. Rowling really means to end the series, I don't think she can keep him alive.

I pre-ordered my book about two months ago. At the time, I was given a choice of a Snape sticker - "Snape is loyal" or "Snape is disloyal" ... something along those lines. I chose the loyal sticker, but after re-reading book six, it's really hard to say. I guess he's in a bit of a pickle - either he re-joins the Order and is hunted by Voldemort or he sticks with the Dark Lord and is hunted by the Order. I had forgotten that he was the one who overheard the propechy about Harry and Voldemort. It's really hard to say how he'll turn out. I'm not sure he can return to the Order at this point though. I mean, he killed Dumbledore! I know it was either kill (because Malfoy couldn't) or be killed, but still... I just don't really know how to feel about him.

At least the book won't be all doom and gloom - Bill and Fleur are getting married, I'm pretty sure Ron and Hermione will get cozier and I think, even though Harry broke up with her, Ginny will still be by his side.

So, I will be reading the book all weekend. That's pretty much all I'll be doing. I can't wait to find out what happens!!

i'm a fan

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