I love The Onion...

Sep 28, 2005 16:20

This is in response to a tabloid photo of Kate Moss doing cocaine:

Tobias Seifert,
"We should not rush to judgment. How do we know it was Kate Moss in that photo, and not one of the millions of young women who've been pressured by the media into looking exactly like her?"

This brings up a semi-rant. Have any of you noticed how clothing sizes are way off these days? Why is it that I can wear a size 6 at Gap, but I can't fit a size 9 at Target? When did sizes stop meaning anything? And when did they become so small? You have to be 80 lbs to wear a size 1 these days. I know that sizes don't really mean anything, but not being able to button a size 9 does sting a bit. I don't think designers are helping women's self-image. I already feel incredibly fat because I haven't had time to work out. I don't need designers to add to that. And, it makes shopping less fun. It's been awhile since I've gone to a store and found something that fit me well. It's quite aggravating. Of course I was thinner in high school, but I remember a time when I wore a size 2 - which would probably be a size 8 now since high school was six years ago.

One more reason to hate make-up and clothing ads/producers.

it's just fashion!

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